8:03 PM

lab work is fun.. when i get to burn n destroy things

Lab work is kinda fun actually... well.. especially when i get to burn and destroy things.. Let me give u a recap of what had happened during my lab work so far..

There are two Masters students in my lab. They don't talk much, so it's kinda boring for a cheerful and friendly person like me. So these are the things that i did to entertain myself.....

1st day in the lab.... I was asked to wash all the Bijou bottles that i needed using the baby bottle brush. Guess what I did? I accidentally broke the brush, snapping it into two. Ooopsss... First thing destroyed..

I've lost track I had spent in the lab so I'll give u the basic account of what had been destroyed so far:-
2 gloves (i accidentally burn my gloves while lighting the lighter--- hehe)
2 inoculating loops (destroyed the first while i was doing streaking.. Hence I asked for a replacement. Mana tahu, 5 minutes later, I broke the other one...)

And the most recent account...

I had to prepare the TCBS agar. I had been keeping an eye on it so as not to let to boil out from the bottle. After 20 minutes of watching, I got bored and decided to do something else which makes my time more worthwhile. So I refilled the recycled pipette tips so as to be autoclaved.
Again, mana tahu... I haven't even left for 2 minutes and the agar solution boiled out from the bottle!! MY AGAR WAS BURNT BADLY!!

I panicked at first, but after that I chuckled to myself as I poured the agar onto petri dishes. I dunno what's funny but the fact that the 2 Masters students did not say anything and pretended that nothing had happened (but they just opened the door widely -- the whole lab smells of burnt agar) made it funny.

Boy.. how i love my lab work.. Makes my life more interesting.. Haha..